20 June 2011


Many, many years ago, when our children were small, three of the MAU co-founders were inspired and trained by this incredible citizen activist organization. RESULTSawakened our activism. It is a phenomenally tenacious and effective organization and will help any of us—with zero experience or decades—find our voice on issues of hunger and poverty.

From their Website: Meet Our Everyday Heroes

Everyday heroes come from all circumstances, continents, and walks of life. They contribute to the goal of ending poverty through their voices, their time, their money, their collaboration, and their passionate commitment to a more just world.

Each of these people, and hundreds more, have found what they’re looking for—a way to act on their vision of a world without poverty—through the powerful support of RESULTS and RESULTS EDUCATION FUND (REF). By giving people the training, tools, and support needed to make their voices heard in the corridors of power, RESULTS changes lives—of those who don’t believe they can make a difference and of those living in poverty.

In light of all this, the MAU Board & Staff give our Seal of Gratitude and Respect toRESULTS and recommend that MAU Mavens check them out.

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